Sunday, October 4, 2009

Brain building week 1

So this is week one of my brain test study. I am a 30 year old male, I have multiple degrees in psychology. My wife is also going to participate in the study as is my mother. My wife is a 25 year old culinary student with a degree in anthropology. My mother, if she participates, is a retiree. She has multiple degrees in Art, Teaching, and reading. She was a teacher and later a rec therapist for a number of years.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a great cognitive measure test that was free. So I have decided to employ the Brain Age game as the test. My mother has the game as well so she can very easily participate. The way the study is going to work is thus: each week the participants will test their brain age with the brain age test and then for one week, they will employ measures to improve their cognitive function and retest again at the end of the week.

For this first week I scored a lowly 62 on my brain age, my wife scored a 42, and my mother scored a 46.

After my lousy score I am going to do 5 crossword puzzles next week. My wife is going to play on brain age. My mother is going to continue to continue to use the brain age game and the other brain games on the ds.

Note: this study is not sponsored by nintendo or the brain age guy, i am receiving no money or bribes or anything else from them. This is merely a testing tool to determine how our brains will do over the course of the test.

Also note: if you would like to participate in this study, please add your brain age and what you did for the week in a comment below.

Thanks for reading and improving your brain.

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